All objects are created in a similar fashion, and we will use StakingContract as an example
Here you can create a Staking Contract with a given ERC20 Contract Address, login with metamask & connect with solidity methods available
import { Web3Connection, StakingContract } from '@taikai/dappkit';
const web3Connection = new Web3Connection({
web3Host: 'WEB3_LINK'
await web3Connection.start();
const deployer = new StakingContract(web3Connection);
await deployer.loadAbi();
await web3Connection.connect();
const tx = await deployer.deployJsonAbi('0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS');
// Creating new Instance of StakingContract to be able to access the tokens
const stakingContract = new StakingContract(web3Connection, tx.contractAddress);
await stakingContract.start();
console.log(await stakingContract.availableTokens());
What if the contract was deployed already?
If the Contract is already deployed the use case is very similar
import { Web3Connection, StakingContract } from '@taikai/dappkit';
const web3Connection = new Web3Connection({
web3Host: 'WEB3_LINK'
await web3Connection.start();
const stakingContrat = new StakingContract(web3Connection, '0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS');
await stakingContrat.start();
await web3Connection.connect();
console.log(await stakingContrat.availableTokens());