A very simple project to launch/access your own ERC20 Contract Address, login with metamask & connect with solidity methods available
In order to use ERC20 a Web3Connection instance object or Web3ConnectionOptions must be provided
import { ERC20 } from '@taikai/dappkit';
/* Create Instance */
const deployer =
new ERC20({
web3Host: 'WEB3_LINK',
privateKey: '', });
await deployer.loadAbi(); // Only needed for deploy
const address = await deployer.connection.getAddress();
/* Deploy ERC20 Contract */
const tx = await deployer.deployJsonAbi(
/* Use your new ERC20 Token */
const erc20 = new ERC20(web3connection, tx.contractAddress);
await erc20.start();
console.log(erc20.transferTokenAmount('0xADDRESS', 100));